Maximizing Pre-Owned Equipment

Maximizing the Value of Pre-Owned Equipment: What You Need To Know Before You Buy


In the world of aggregate machinery and equipment, finding the right piece for your operation can be a daunting task. Whether you’re a construction company, mining operation, or involved in any other industry requiring heavy-duty equipment, the decision to purchase pre-owned machinery is a significant one. It requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure that your investment is both cost-effective and reliable for your specific needs.

At Crushing Tigers, we understand the challenges our customers face when it comes to acquiring aggregate machinery. We pride ourselves on providing superior solutions tailored to our customers’ requirements — and that includes when they’re looking for low-hour, high-performing pre-owned equipment, as well.


Here are the top things you need to consider before making a purchase:

Quality Assurance: When considering pre-owned equipment, quality assurance is paramount. At Crushing Tigers, we meticulously inspect and refurbish all pre-owned machinery to ensure it meets our rigorous standards. Our team of experts conducts comprehensive assessments, addressing any issues and restoring equipment to peak performance. This commitment to quality ensures that our customers receive reliable equipment that delivers optimal performance and longevity.

Brand Reputation: Partnering with Crushing Tigers grants you access to top global brands renowned for their quality and reliability. Whether it’s Sandvik’s cutting-edge crushers, Edge’s innovative screening solutions, or Boehringer’s efficient, portable batch plants, we offer a diverse range of pre-owned machinery from trusted manufacturers. Our association with these brands reflects our dedication to providing best-in-class equipment that enhances productivity and efficiency for our customers.

Customized Solutions: Every operation has unique requirements, and we understand the importance of tailoring solutions to meet those needs. At Crushing Tigers, we work closely with our customers to understand their specific applications, production goals, and budget constraints. Whether you’re looking for crushers, screeners, batch plants, or other heavy-duty equipment, we offer personalized recommendations to optimize your operations and maximize your return on investment.

Comprehensive Support: Purchasing pre-owned equipment from Crushing Tigers comes with the assurance of comprehensive support throughout the entire lifecycle of the machinery. From initial consultation and equipment selection to installation, training, and aftermarket services, our team is committed to providing unmatched customer support at every step. We strive to build long-term partnerships with our customers, offering ongoing assistance to ensure their continued success.

Cost-Effectiveness: Investing in pre-owned equipment can yield significant cost savings without compromising on quality or performance. At Crushing Tigers, we offer competitive pricing on our pre-owned machinery, making high-performance equipment accessible to a wider range of customers. Our transparent pricing model and flexible financing options further enhance the affordability of our offerings, allowing you to acquire the equipment you need within your budget constraints.


Contact Crushing Tigers today for all your pre-owned equipment needs and let us help you maximize your operations through high-performance and value.